Jesus is savior
Sharing My Faith




I wonted to share my Faith

What is faith we say we have a faith in God the word of God say faith come form hearing the word of God it means we have to read the bible listen what it is saying & understanding. God wanted us to know him what he have done for us how we can communicate with him God is hole he dont have a thing to do with sin we are sinners we are borne with sin when Adam and Eva comet sin against God they are separated form God. We inherit sin from them. man is separated from God by sin Faith is given to us from God when God gave his son to die on the cross for our sin he gave us Faith Jesus is Faith if we believe Jesus die for us on the cross he shade blood for our sin we will be saved and we have Faith the hole sipert will confirm our faith .Matthew chapter 1 number 23 Behold , a virgin shall be with child , and shall bring forth son , and they shall call his name Emmanuel ,which being interpreted is ,God with us . Thought his son God is with us he become one with us he forgave for us our sin the holy spirit will confirm in us that we are saved. If there is not confirm in our life we have to ask our self do I have a Faith? In what am I believing same time we do what we think is right I never thought I will be come a Pentecost christen how can I. I thought they are wrong and I am right I even think the rite realign is Moslem I was wrong God is the one who lied me not because I am right because I shoat form my heart I was craning for my creator to save me form my misery he lessen to my shoat he lied me to his son Jesus that is the only way to him (God). I am a sinner I have to be clean form my sin trout Jesus before being accepted to his kingdom. I believe Jesus die for my sin and rise up form died I am saved my confirming is the hole spirit and the word of God I have Faith by reading the bible and lessening & understanding. I am saved immediately but I dont know that I am saved. I start to know after I start bible study and reading the bible. The hole sprit have been working in me for a long time now I am a changed person. I am a borne agene christen.

Tank you God you forgive me for my sin

You lead me to your son Jesus you mike me

A new man phrase  be the name he is a peace ,

Joe, & happens God you are almighty.

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Here is picture us you see there is a loot of different form what I use to be before I resave the lord us my savior I look like a alcoholic, addicted, I know it all person( wise off the world).but I cant even go to where I want to go. After I resaved Jesus us savior I travel the world I have been in U.S.A now I live in Italy (Roma) I work here in Rome. The most important thing is I have internal life. The Bible says ,"You are all children of God by faith us to Christ, Jesus"(Galatians 3:26) If we are children then we are Heirs of Gods, kingdom. " We shall always be with the lord"(1 Thessalonians 4:17) Amen


Here's a picture of me where i work

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