Jesus is savior
My Testimony



Praise the lord he is almighty. Jesus is a savior. It all starts when I was a teenager. You know us all passed this moment we wonted to know everything. Will I start with cigarette, alcohol, drag, and women? I became addicted in three years. By nature I am not an alcoholic or smoker I like sport I play foot boll. Tank you God I have a good family they grow me up good they send me to a good school God bless them. all for nothing I am lost I dont know how to get out of this it is like being in prison. I was under the bandage of the evil it is all dark I can not see nothing I was hopeless my family lost hope on me we all wait for me to die I know I am going to die I even try to kill my self. Well I dont know how it happened I got my self in prison (jail) it look bad there are gay I dont like them in my country there is war I didnt want to go to war I wanted to get out of there no way will I am at the end of my life what am I going to do? I turn my face to God I shout get me out of here I will follow you I am going to go on your way this is  my first prayer  I fall alive  I went to a church  I promise God that I am going to follow him I said get me out of here within a week I got out off jail I didnt go to church you know when you are addicted you are addicted  so I  went in on my own way I forgot abut my promise with God . God is good he didnt forget he lade me to work where there are Christians  all of a sadden I got a work and started working they asked me if I wanted to go to church with them I say yes I wanted to go to church I have seen them they talk like fanatic I knew they are Pentecost christens for me they are fanatic   I didnt want to have to do nothing with them I said I will go to my on church you go to your own. Ok? so stay away form me  but, they are the one who made me remember my promise with God I should listen to what they are going to say  in this days many are taking about religion or God in many languages I dont care all I wanted is to know him the one who create the world and me almighty God.  I can say God in my own language you con say it on your own language God is God and he have his own way he soften my hart to this Pentecost Christinas ok he wanted me to go with them  I will go it is his way not my way I heard the word of God. Good I like it they tolled me to talk with someone I didnt understand what it was but I said ok he asked me if I believe in Jesus I say yes Jesus is the son of God the Bible say it and I know he tolled me that Jesus is knocking if I will open my heart to him he will live with me I dont know what he is talking all I know is Jesus is the son of God if he wanted me to believe in him it is ok with me nothing to loose this man said  that I have to be saved I know nobody is going to save me all I wanted is to be in peace with God and die he told me that he wanted to pray for me he asked me to nil down we started praying he tolled  me to ask God to forgive me for my sin we pray I failed alive I start crying  I dont know what was happening to me Joy ,peace, happiness I fall like something left form my shoulder the most surprising  thing was I got hilling from my addiction you know it took a lots of time and money which I didnt  have not only this I have eternal life John chapter 1 -10 to 13 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world know him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the son of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God.  

I did not know it is going to be so simple all I have to do is believe and surrender my self to God

The rest is very easy form day to day I start changing when ever I hare the word of God (Bible) same thing will happen in me I am a new man it is like being borne again the Bible say we have to be born again it is true thank you God you  pick me up form where I failed down you make me a new man you give me a life hallelujah.


        Hallelujah praise the lord in Jesus name let all the chain be broken and the darkens be light I rebuke in the name of Jesus  drag and alcohol let the people be free  form being addict let the people see God and worship him God save your people in the name of your son Jesus chariest amen . 






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